

After a short break over Christmas, members of the Hahndorf Town Band are back at rehearsal, preparing for a variety of performances over the next few months, as well as competing in the 2016 National Band Championships.  These Championships are being held at Trinity College, Gawler this year and Hahndorf will be competing in the ‘C’ Grade section along with 9 other bands.

During the holidays 3 of our Youth Band members were invited to take part in the State Youth Brass Camp at the Tuckerway Hostel in Port Vincent from January 11th to 16th. This intense music camp is where our members along with  other youth players from brass bands come together to learn from some of the best musicians in Australia and then perform at a variety of concerts throughout South Australia. (see more about this in our Youth Band News)

Australia Day Celebrations 

Australia Day saw the Hahndorf Town Band taking part in the Mylor Celebration of the Centenary of the grand Australia Day Celebration which was held in 1916 by leading off the parade along the main street and onto the oval, with members of the community joining the procession.The organisers then took a recreated town photo to help commemorate the centenary, provided everyone with a traditional Aussie BBQ breakfast, unveiled the World War 1 honour roll and presented the Civic Awards.

Hymns & Classics Concerts

In March the band will be presenting their Hymns and Classics Concerts at 2 venues this year.  The first one will be on Saturday 6th March at 2pm in the Spicers Church, St Peters and the second concert will be held in the Adelaide Hills at St Pauls Lutheran Church, Hahndorf commencing at 2pm.